General improvement construction project. C-21d preparation. Section: Montblanc-Rocafort de Queralt


Montblanc, Pira, Barberà de la Conca, Sarral, Rocafort de Queralt (Tarragona)




5,8 M€


Infrastructure Design


Completed (2013)

Roadway widening in the following three sections of the C-241d road between the towns of Montblanc and Rocafort:de Queralt:
- Section 1: starts at roundabout on the C-14 road in Montblanc Municipality in the  "pedania de La Guàrdia dels Prats" is called, and ends at 2 Pk + 200  a roundabout  with 25 meters radius to provide access to the T-242 that goes   Barberà de la Conca.
- Section 2: begins at the (Pk 5 + 000) to output Pira, particularly once you pass the cemetery access  just in Pk + 7 700 meters before  the Salada River crossing.  It includes improved curves (Pk to Pk 5 + 7 + 350 to 350) and a T intersection (Pk 6 + 150) to access the Ollers village .
- Section 3: starts at PK 10 + 880, just past the junction with the TV-233 which connects Montbrió de la Marca and ends at Pk 13 + 100 just before you reach the junction with the TV-2331, which connects with the T-233 (that was Sarral to C-14). It includes a correction curve Pk 12 + 100.